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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Mature Fashion: Body Shape, Hour Glass

this blur isn't on me!..hasn't photography improved!!
Courtesy of FanPop
In the tradition of most writing, I have saved the most desirable and easiest to style of all the body types for last. It is also the least common type (It is said that less than 5% of females have an actual "hour glass" shape)  Each figure type, including the hour glass has it challenges.  The woman with this body type should carefully avoid "box like" garments that would conceal her shapely body, and possibly make her look heavier and more matronly than she desires.  She must consider carefully her choices of material and design lines in the garments and accessories she wears.  This body type (Marilyn Monroe, with her reported 36-24-36 measurements) is considered "sexy" by all, and unintended consequences can be attached to her styling choices.  Flimsy, flashy, and poorly designed styles may give the appearance of "cheap".  It is usually in her best interest to provide an instant impression reflecting  "expensive and elegant."  As one long time friend of mine with this body type once said to me, " if I am judged to be a 'hooker', because of my shape, I want to send the message that it would be expensive:" it will cost a thousand dollars a night!".  My friend was not ashamed of her body, but she truly understood the danger of her figure (and its advantages!!  Obviously, the same logic applied to her shoes and other accessories-cheap looking jewelry is never advised for anyone.

One additional challenge can occur with this body type that is often not addressed in much of the style literature.  It is often assumed that because a woman has the perfect proportions for her "horizontal" body type,(triangle, oval, etc.)  she can ignore her "vertical body"(upper and lower body lengths) .  I have mentioned before that each body type must be multiplied by two based on a long upper body or a long lower body.  If she has a short upper body, she will usually have minimal difficulties unless she has unique upper body features that of of concern.  If, however, she has a short lower body, she must consider the same design and styling options as for any of the other body types. (over time I will post a lot more about this-my lower body is shorter than my upper, so I try and master all the tips and tricks of master camouflage-these usually are only necessary for the shorter lower body).

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